Warrahmatullahhi Wabarakatuh
Good morning and
best wishes to all of us.
Dear Mrs. Dini Zulfany, M.Pd. as a
lecturer of English language tutors. And happy friends.
First of all
let us praise the presence of Allah SWT because of the blessings of His mercy
and His grace we can gather in this place in good healt.
Thank you for the opportunity
that has been given to me on this sunny day. On this occasion I will invite all
of us to know the importance of tax and its relation with the independence of
the nation.
Ladies and Gentlemen, State
revenue depends on tax receipts. This is due to the depletion of natural
resources owned by the State such as oil and natural gas. About 75% of State
revenues are directly donated from tax revenues. Although there are tax
revenues, there are not many SOE's profits and foreign grants.
Ladies and Gentlemen, If we
talk about tax then we will find the term in tax is tax ratio. Tax ratio is
always used to determine the success rate of tax revenue in a country. Tax
ratio shows the comparison between tax revenue with gross domestic product
(GDP). In macroeconomic studies it is believed that the tax ratio is directly
proportional to the level of independence of a nation. The greater the tax
revenue of a State the more independent the nation will be.
Independent here is defined as
the ability of a State to finance its expenditure using its own funds without
being tied outside funds (foreign debt). In 2012 tax ratio in Indonesia reached
12.3% even in the last five years Indonesia has not reached 14% tax ratio. Yet
the poorer countries of Indonesia have already surpassed 14%. What is it about
our beloved country? Ladies and Gentlemen, there are two main reasons why
people are reluctant to pay taxes. The first cause, "Why pay me tax?"
This question often comes to mind. Many people still think that taxes are a
tribute to the authorities. This is because Indonesia has a historical record
of the kingdom. Many still think that the tax is the transfer of wealth from
the taxpayer to the ruler of the State. This opinion is very wrong. Tax is a
form of citizen participation in development. If the heroes first struggled
with the use of bamboo spikes, then in today we can struggle with paying taxes
for a better Indonesia. Lack of public participation in paying taxes is also
due to at least people who feel directly the development of the tax. If the
government-driven development is felt or felt by all Indonesian people such as
road construction, free education up to the highest level, free medical
treatment in hospitals, bridge construction, etc., this will increase the
public's passion to pay tax. Well, to state the results of these developments,
of course the government needs funds, the funds from taxes paid by the public
as taxpayers. So this relationship is actually like a circle that is
interconnected with each other.
Ladies and Gentlemen, the
second cause is the tax system in Indonesia. As we know, Indonesia uses a
self-assessment system that places the taxpayer as an active party in
performing its tax obligations. In this system taxpayers are given the freedom
to calculate, pay and report on their own income they receive in one month to
the tax office. In this case, small traders, private individuals and MSME's with
minimal tax knowledge, they must divide their time between trading and
reporting their monthly tax obligations. Although the Directorate General of
Taxation has conducted socialization on the implementation of tax obligations,
but still this takes up their time. It may be necessary to make a new
breakthrough in the tax payment system for the perpetrators of MSME's. Because
most of them are not unwilling but do not understand how to pay taxes.
Ladies and Gentlemen, we need
to be aware that tax is the national pride. Because if a resident of a State is
reluctant to pay taxes, so do foreigners who live in that country. This nation
is unlikely to depend its fate on foreign debt. Not only the hassle of paying
the interest of the debt but behind it there is a political interest. Ideally,
the cost of development in a country should be financed by the people of the
country through tax payments. This is why the tax is said to be the nation's
self-esteem. Since the tax as a nation's self-esteem, should every taxpayer
feel proud after performing his obligations to the state. Every taxpayer is a
real development hero.
Ladies and gentlemen, the
speech I can convey, hopefully with this speech can make us aware of the
importance of taxes for the independence of the nation and can increase our
spirit to fight for Indonesia through the taxes we pay. If there are attitudes
and words that are less deigned in heart, I apologize.
warahmatullahi wabarakatuh
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