Senin, 27 Maret 2017

Moral of the Story

Assalamu’alaikum Wr.Wb

Welcome to my blog. This time I want to tell you about the activities of my course in particular Language courses of the British Economy. This is the story.
One morning, precisely on March 21, 2017. That morning I am getting ready to go to campus. At that time the Lecture starts at 7.30. Arriving on campus, I also follow courses of the first that is Intermediate Financial Accounting.
After completion of these courses, I continue to follow the next course, namely the English Economy. We usually lecture in american corner of Tanjungpura University. However, when I got there, the space american corner is being used and we can not use for college activities such as usually. Finally, Miss Dini direct us to the British Culture and Learning Center (BCLC) Tanjungpura University . Arriving there, we were directed to the theater room in the BCLC. And than Miss Dini gave us the task to read the books in BCLC and search moral values from a book that we read. That time I read a book titled "what's that noice?". After reading this book, I can take a silver lining, namely:
1.      Learn to people who are good at first before playing something that is not known as the fiddle. So as not interfere with peace of other people.
2.      Don't afraid of something that is not yet known, should we find out first what we fear.

That's the moral value that I get from the books I read. so this is the end of the story this time, sorry if there are wrong words. Hopefully useful.

Wassalamu’alaikum Wr.Wb

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